Makes a great breakfast.
Mobi go2 breakdown:
Stealth Pen testing device that appears to work as a kids game.
Pieces and Parts:
Raspberry Pi Zero W 1.4
D1 wemos mini x2
Possible Hardware STM32F103C8T6 (since i have 3 of them)
Mobi go2 breakdown:
Stealth Pen testing device that appears to work as a kids game.
Pieces and Parts:
Raspberry Pi Zero W 1.4
D1 wemos mini x2
Possible Hardware STM32F103C8T6 (since i have 3 of them)
And some code I want to modify but need to make sure I toss credit too.// Keyboard Matrix Tutorial Example// CC BY-SA 4.0// JP1 is an inputbyte rows[] = {2,3,4};const int rowCount = sizeof(rows)/sizeof(rows[0]);// JP2 and JP3 are outputsbyte cols[] = {8,9,10};const int colCount = sizeof(cols)/sizeof(cols[0]);byte keys[colCount][rowCount];void setup() {Serial.begin(115200);for(int x=0; x<rowCount; x++) {Serial.print(rows[x]); Serial.println(" as input");pinMode(rows[x], INPUT);}for (int x=0; x<colCount; x++) {Serial.print(cols[x]); Serial.println(" as input-pullup");pinMode(cols[x], INPUT_PULLUP);}}void readMatrix() {// iterate the columnsfor (int colIndex=0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) {// col: set to output to lowbyte curCol = cols[colIndex];pinMode(curCol, OUTPUT);digitalWrite(curCol, LOW);// row: interate through the rowsfor (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {byte rowCol = rows[rowIndex];pinMode(rowCol, INPUT_PULLUP);keys[colIndex][rowIndex] = digitalRead(rowCol);pinMode(rowCol, INPUT);}// disable the columnpinMode(curCol, INPUT);}}void printMatrix() {for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {if (rowIndex < 10)Serial.print(F("0"));Serial.print(rowIndex); Serial.print(F(": "));for (int colIndex=0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) {Serial.print(keys[colIndex][rowIndex]);if (colIndex < colCount)Serial.print(F(", "));}Serial.println("");}Serial.println("");}void loop() {readMatrix();if ('!')printMatrix();}
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